
Dorset Boudoir and Sexy Bridal Photography Murakami Secrets

Disciplines : HTML 4.01 Transitional, Flash, CSS, SSI, Perl/CGI, PHP, Apache

Business site for Murakami Photography containing flash based slideshow and gallery.

Hampshire and Dorset Boudoir Photography
Wedding Photographers in Dorset and the New Forest Murakami Dorset and New Forest Wedding Photographers

Disciplines : Flash, HTML 4.01 Transitional, CSS, MySQL, Apache

Contemporary photography portfolio site containing beautiful wedding photography in Dorset and covering the New Forest and Hampshire areas.

Wedding Photography Dorset
View Society of Will Writers site Society of Will Writers

Disciplines : HTML 4.01 Transitional, CSS, PHP, Apache

The Society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners official website.

View eSpyer site eSpyer

Disciplines : XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS, Perl, PHP4, MySQL, Apache

A managed webservice entirely developed by Ideas In Form. Using a MySQL database, Perl for the 'behind the scenes' work and PHP4 for the front end. The site provides end users with a useful resource with many technologies blended seamlessly together.

View Cybertech Data Systems Ltd site Cybertech Data Systems Ltd

Disciplines : HTML, CSS, Perl/CGI

Ultra clean website providing an informative brochure of the client's business. The simple and uncluttered design allows the user to easily and quickly navigate the site, providing an 'online business card' for the company and their activities.

View ThoughtAttic site ThoughtAttic

Disciplines : HTML, CSS, Bloxsom (weblog application)

Private home user weblog site. Using an open source weblog application the site can be amended and easily updated by the site owner with little knowledge of HTML required. A clean contemporary look and feel.

View GMB PC Services site GMB PC Services

Disciplines : HTML 4.01 Transitional, CSS, Perl/CGI

An easily navigated menu developed in Perl/CGI by Ideas In Form, provides this small business website with a search engine friendly structure. The clean lines and basic content layout provide the user and the client with a friendly, professional environment.

View EJC Construction Ltd site EJC Construction Ltd

Disciplines : HTML 4.01 Transitional, CSS, JScript

Simple, slick and easy to navigate. This project focused around the viewers needs alongside the requirements of the client to get their information across in the most effective way. Additional pages can be added with ease due to the css elements and menu structure.

Content Management Systems
The efficient deployment of effective information is core to any marketing campaign, be it online or offline, internet or intranet. Key to the success of any informative content is the management system behind it.
Custom Solutions
The bespoke programming capabilities we offer vary depending upon the individual requirements of the client. Offering programming services in a number of languages and disciplines. Ideas In Form can code for any and every website application.
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